Babies First!

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What is Babies First?

Babies First! is a voluntary program that provides nurse visits for pregnant women and families with babies and young children up to age 5. Babies First! helps make sure families and babies have the support and information they need to be healthy.

Having a baby is an exciting time, but it can raise a lot of questions. Knowing you have extra support will boost your confidence. Nurses visit biweekly or monthly.

Babies First! Nurses partner with families to provide:

  • Comprehensive maternal and infant/child assessments including developmental screenings
  • Breastfeeding support if needed
  • Case management and Resource navigation
  • Parent health education and family coaching
  • Linkages to community resources


  • Pregnant individuals or children and their caregivers from birth through age 5
  • High risk with medical and social risk factors
  • OHP insurance eligible


Or call to schedule appointment at 541-322-7475

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